I do not believe that the voices will go away because I decide to jump into a church. I KNOW that it won't. But I want to know God better and my own beliefs about church are not what I would like them to be. I have an opinion about church I have had since I was a teenager and it has not changed. I have not yet seen a church that did not judge people. I am not talking about the basics "like you are a sinner you are going to hell". I am talking about stuff like I have heard of a church resigning a deacon because he wore shorts to a church function--a picnic. Let me explain it better. I think that most churches judge people way tooo much. And the bible says don't. I know of churches who ask their paritioners (spelling might be wrong) to leave their church if they live with someone unmarried. When the whole point is to get the people into church and under God's house (so called)not tell them to leave. I believe that the church can twist things up and hurt people doing it. As far as your life goes... men were with men and woman were with woman way back then in the biblical days. The big question is...were these people with these other people for love or lust. But it still isn't for me to say if it is a sin or not. So live and let live and if people find solace in the church no matter who they are or how they live let doors be open. Jesus sure wouldn't turn anyone away...nor did he.
Now then and the other answer to the other question is I think I want to find my church.
I want to find my church now. I want to do this not because it might get rid of the voices but because I really want to. That is what "DEAR GOD..." is all about. I have really seen too many miracles to ever be able to deny his existance and never wanted to. http://www.dedicationtogod.blogspot.com
Got ya started... :) Is that better. :)
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