Thursday, March 30, 2006

I had a psychotic episode today. I felt that the drug people were putting this clear ball of bad feelings inside me and they kept hitting me with it. Everytime I felt the clear ball I felt depressed to the point of not wanting to live anymore and I felt terror and fear. I couldn't breathe and I talked like I was out of my mind with the voices. I went to see the nurse and she told my psychiatrist what was happening to me and he prescribe Depakote, a mood stabilizer and more Klonopin 5 mg. I guess that the Depakote has to get into your system because I don't feel the things I am supposed to feel. Depakote is used for three things...Migraines...Epilepsy...and Bipolar...also for manic episodes with or without psychotic features. I have psychotic features. So we shall see what this drug does. I hope it works....