Sunday, January 28, 2007

Still hearing voices...

But, I won't tell my therapist about it...she'll make me come see her every two weeks. Had enough of that. I think she is good at her job but the appointments every other week is hard to make when you are working.
But, see my step father has lung cancer and he can't work so I have been feeling guilty about not being much help to them. And today I asked Mel for the money to help Mama out. That should ease the voices up. It has already....somewhat.
The other reason for the voices is my back pain and me not going to the doctor and having them find what is wrong. SO I went to the doctor Friday. They want to do an MRI on me. Physical and mental stress and pain.... will get those voices started for me everytime.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Sharp new look! I like it!