Sunday, February 11, 2007

I got my medications back!

I went to the Mental Health Center and told them about the psychiatrist not listening to me when I tried to explain to her that it the prescriptions were wrong on some of my of my meds and though they didn't believe me....the one nurse worked her butt off to get my meds to me before the next day was over!!! And they switched my psychiatrist. So maybe they did believe me...I'm back on the Topomax, Resperdal, Klonopin, Depakote, Geodon,and Paxil CR I was on before I got mad and refused to go back to Mental Health for two, what a rough ride that was. Now the voices are pretty much gone and there are NO delusions and hallucinations after just two days back on the meds...THANK GOD and thank the nurse!!! No brain links, no drug addicts, no anything!!! Now for a cup of coffee and it is time to take my meds again...nearly 7:00 pm...gotta go!

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