Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In Loving Memory of...

Larry Franklin Dooley

October 6th, 1952 - July 13th, 2007

May you rest in peace throughout eternity.

I had known Larry Dooley for about 16 years and he had always treated me like his daughter. I was legally his step-daughter though. I knew him pretty well but I didn't get close to him until I moved in with him and my mother in June 2001. I decided I had baetter help around the house so I helped Larry take care of the "jungle" yard that we had. It had to be mowed and weedeated every week so snakes wouldn't come close to the house. Larry and I tackled that grass every time we had a day off...whew!
I got really close after the Doctor said Larry had Lung Cancer and it had spread to his Liver and Brain. I would come down from Huntsville every chance I got to spend some time with Larry. We talked alot about Mama and Mel and our relationships and how much we loved them the way things were. But all I kept thinking was that he was going to die on me and I would get so sad and cry on the way home after visiting with my kids. It made me so sick that such a good person could get such an awful disease. Larry was the kind of man who would help anyone he could whether asked to or not. I miss you, Larry!!!! I'll never ever forget you!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...