Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I have been having problems

At work, I seem to be having a few problems. I am forgetful of some things and I have been short in my register. Like I needed more issues to deal with. I might lose my job. Part of me says " I really like this job". Another says "I'll find one without a register" and the other voice says "Quit worrying there isn't much I can do about it". I just want a hob I can stay at and make a helpful amount of money. I greatly want to fully support myself but, I don't think that could happen. My medicine cost so much. It wasn't exactly a dream to work as a cashier but it made me feel better and the kids get some help. Part of me really wants to smoke again. I keep thinking that there are more important things than this job but, it costs money and the job is necessary. The only thing I can do right now. That is all right now. I wish my Aunt was feeling better.

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