Saturday, July 30, 2005

I am completey scared right now

I am so scared that my soul feels like it is hurting...all the way to my fingertips. You know the feeling like your you know someone is going to break your heart or that you are afraid that they you become so anxious and paranoid about it that you can already feel your heart break. That is what it feels like. Sometimes I get paranoid that I am not breathing right and I have to find someway to get fresh air. People are talking to me again with their brain stems. They brain link and say "Are you Jennifer McDonald?" I even answer them sometimes. But I don't think that I am under any stress. There are some people that call me names like "nigger", "slut" and "bitch". I hear it all the time. I heard my husband say "you look ugly and you are fat". Oh, by the way, I am white. The south...gotta love it. *sarcasm*!! I told my voices that the only time I get these panic attacks are when I am at home...had two at work though, my voices said that something must be wrong at home, then. I can't say what it could be. Sometimes, I think I should really look to see what it is and IF there is anything wrong at home...but then I think I may be asking for more problems...It all really started when Mel got the call that he had cancer. Sometimes, I just don't feel comfortable here since then. I think I am in fear that it will all fall apart. But I will stick with Mel through everything. I love him.

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