Sunday, June 19, 2005

The increase...

Well, I can tell a difference since my doctor increased the Geodon from 120 mg to 160 mg. I am not forgetting stuff so much and I am not so paranoid that someone watches me in the shower. Boy, that was a bad trip. I would really get scared that people were watching me in the shower. But right now I can walk around the house nude...hehehehe. It makes a big difference to feel like you are alone enough to act normal. I feel free-er. WHEEW. Now if I could get shed of the voices and the roaring...I took some extra meds last night because the voices would NOT go away. It didn't work. So I guess in a couple of months we try Haldol. I told the doctor what all was going on and he asked "Do you still hear voices?" And I said "Yeah, I hear the voices all the time". And he said " I am going to incresae the dosage of Geodon...I know you couldn't handle it before but I think you can handle it now." I said "fine" but that I would not take two at the same time ...I would take one pill in the morning and one at night because I definately couldn't handle it at the same time...He said "Ok".

It's just that SO many schizophrenics are sympton free....that is what I want. I don't want to just have to put up with it. Damn, why does it have to be so tough? It feels like I know so many people that the drugs work for...and at first I couldn't tolerate the higher dosage but I really think it is because I took two pills at the same time. Anyway, I couldn't take the dosages so I felt like "this is it...I am gonna have to deal with the rest of the symptons the rest of my life and just tolerate those NASTY voices".

But maybe this time around...

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