Friday, July 23, 2004

My medicine...

I am on a medication call "ABILIFY" . It has helped me since the first day. I got used to get real sleepy but I'm used to it now. It was explained to me that the brain has receptors or nerve endings that recieve signals from other nerve endings and if they don't maintain the correct levels of "chemicals" the nerve endings don't receive well. This can cause dillusions or psychotic features. usually your brain make these "chemicals" by itself, but if not then it is chemically imbalanced. Pyschotic features are thing such as "voices" and other things "not really there" and sometimes violent features. I'm not violent, Thank You God. I have Thanked Him all day long today. I am finally going back to living. But I will be on this thing every day. Oh yeah...The ABILIFY helps my brain to maintain it's correct levels. AAAAAWWWWW Modern Science is a miracle to me.