Saturday, October 16, 2004

The church thing worries me.

I don't have a problem with going to church and believing in God, well, with going to church I suppose I do, because I have a very strong understanding that organized religion is against most biblical teachings nowadays ( worded that backward. what i mean is that current religions teach inaccurate biblical teachings) But if you have chemical imbalances in your brain, going to church is not going to fix that. All it can possibly do for you is make you think 'well if I'm going and doing what these people say and I'm not better, then I'm not going to heaven' and that's ridiculous. I just don't want to see anyone fall into that trap...I do my own studying of the Bible, in different translations and versions and much of what I have read and learned is so different from what was originally intended (assuming that, like me, you believe that the KJV Bible is the most accurate, if not then none of what I've said would apply to you) Not sure how I got into this, gotta not get me started talking religion, I have very very strong beliefs in spite of my lifestyle, and I can back them up biblically, and it's a favorite subject of mine LOL so I'll stop preaching now. :)

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