Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Had another panic attack

Another one this afternoon. I am a little worried about them. But taking a walk helped. My pastor caught me walking and stopped to tell me that it was good to have me worshipping with them. I get to meet him next week--I mean I get formerly introduced next week. Panic attacks are bothering me. They have hit pretty hard since Mel went out of town. I miss him. He misses me too. I hope I can geek long enough to feel better.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

any change in routine will trigger panic/anxiety. If you're able to take something for it, that helps a lot, if not, then do as much as you can every day so that you're honestly tired at night, and busy all day, and give it time, in fact, if you weren't having panic attacks considering how many life-changes you've had recently, it would be strange wouldn't it? Just consider them like growing pains as you grow into this 'new' life you have now. And blog away...I know it helps me a lot when I write on here and on mine and on Linda's.