Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I have never known medicine to be so expensive. There are some that cost over a $1,000 dollars. Mine happens to cost $283.00 per month. This is outrageous. And get this the company won't " give" them to you unless you are on Medicare...which is an insurance...right...which means you got "some" form of help. I have nothing but a job right now...Thank God for the job and the meds...I guess. So I could get half a perscription filled...that was pure luck...I just happen to work 50 hours every other week. If I didn't know better this might constitute as being "traumatic". You should see what happens if I skip a pill...IT AIN'T PRETTY. I get massed confused and can't hear and people are is a mess. And the stress of "Oh my GOd, I need to find a way to get this filled in 2 days..." is traumatic. I will inform my doctor by the way. whewwwww that was close. I think that is what the therapy is for. I go next week. Next Tuesday to my first therapy appointment. I pray that I don't forget. PLEASE don't let me forget. I will go for now.

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