Monday, August 23, 2004

Wonders of Science...

The wanders of medicine is fantastic. The fact that life before this medication called Geodon was sooo rough and scary and now seems fun and good is fantastic. I have been on my presribed dosage for about a week now and today I awoke to no fighting in my brain. I use to hear fighting every morning. Like a total b*#ch was going off in my brain. Sometimes more then one voice. Even the Abilify didn't work that good. Abilify got rid of most of the voices except for the morning voices. Now that I take Geodon, no bad side effects and no voices screaming in the morning. What a difference. If you have any trouble like this, such as, Schizophrenia and or Multiple Personalities, please take your will make a world of difference. It seems hard to believe that science could stop hallucinations and such but it really can.

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